I subscribe to 232 blogs on my google reader. The blogs vary in topics ranging from marketing to running to mining. According to the analytics, I have “read” 7,808 items during the last 365 days but the ones that have been bouncing around in my head this past year deal with the idea that we have more than we think and we should use what we do have to help others. The fact that we can read blogs from a mobile phone in Salmon Gums, Australia or have money in a bank account (or multiple bank accounts) or food stockpiled in the cupboard means we are in the small minority of people who don’t have to worry about just “getting by” as Sasha Ditcher says. I know that I have been feeling awesome the last year to know that I don’t have to worry about just getting by. My vocation (mining engineer), my location (Australia), and my hobbies (running, outdoors, adventure, reading, writing…etc), my faith (Christian), and my network (friends and family) really are a gift and blessing. I have no idea if the writers are Christian or not but these posts are worthwhile read for anyone who doesn’t have to worry about merely getting by. I am excited to see what they say on the 2013 day of Thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy:
A great way to give thanks... by Seth Godin
Back by Sasha Dichter
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