January 22, 2009

Upcoming Plans

I really need to get the NET so I can Blog more. AH well.

This weekend:

I get half day Friday and Monday off sooooooo: Backpacking trip to Sycamore Canyon Wilderness & finally get my truck registered in AZ. YEA YEA YEA

Racing Plans:

I would like to run a marathon in the near future. My original plan was to run Boston but my IT band has really been bothering me since the last marathon. I could probably run Boston if I really wanted to but I would rather wait until I am more ready for it. Stupid IT Band. Plus, flying out of Bagdad is a logistical nightmare. Oh well, I have a lifetime of running ahead of me. No need to rush. Here are some of my options:

BOSTON, April 20th- Probaly can't beat this experience

PITTSBURGH, May 3rd- Homecoming, parents would get to to see me race, and I could see sister graduate

SAN DIEGO, May 3lst- Close driving distance, More time to prepare, and fast course

FLAGSTAFF TRAIL SERIES, June-Oct.- I would really like to participate in this because I love the trails around Flag

My tenative plan is to run half in Pitt and full in San Diego. I have time to decide though. We'll see. In the meantime I must work this IT band issue away. I must have weird hips or something because IT band and I go way back. Peace

1 comment:

  1. yeah Z. If you go to San Diego, I will be there to watch. close to LA! -Matt
