June 7, 2009

Juniper Mesa Wilderness: Failed Summit Attempt

Juniper Mesa is a remote wilderness approximately 45 miles by graded dirt road from Bagdad, AZ. The area is surrounded by rolling wooded hills and ranches. There are few houses except those owned by ranchers. The registry at the Trail #3 trail head had about 100 entries in the last year. Elevations range from around 5000 ft to about 7000 ft on the flat top of the mesa. Map of Area and good resource on Wilderness Areas in AZ

I chose to start my summit bid at Trail #3. From Trail #3 there are two ways to the top: Trail #3 and steeper, more direct ascent up Trail #100 aka Bull Springs trail. The Bull Springs Trail branches off of Trail #3 after 1/2 mile. The trail juts steeply upward after you pass Bull Spring (the six foot long bathtub next to the trail).

This is as much as I can tell you about the trail because my summit attempt was curtailed by heavy rain and lightning. Who would guess rain in Arizona? Here are my pics and unedited VIDEOS haha.

I'm not feeling too shy right now so here are all my videos from the trip.

My only outtake of the afternoon


  1. I'm disappointed you stopped. Think of all the good stories and injuries you would have had to show off. Next time!

  2. thats what she said (video number 2)
